TC various global scents MB 3000 refill, box of 12 refills

Product number: P260101
Minimum purchase: 1

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Delivery: 1-3 werkdagen


    TC various scents consists of: Africa, Mediterranean, South America, Asia, Artic, Middle East. 6 scents x 2. The scents are diverse
    odor intensity and are widely used in sanitary areas. On a
    constant and continuous manner over a period of 30/60/90
    releases a perfume for days that neutralizes unpleasant odors.

    • In a constant and continuous manner for a period of time
      released a perfume that has unpleasant odors for a period of up to 90 days
    • The odor-controlling micro-molecules spread longer, further and with a more intense perfume.
    • Fragrance neutralizes the odor molecules and thus facilitates the long-lasting effect of the perfumes.
    • A compact and elegant design ensures an improved image of the toilet.
    • A
      regular time programming plus continuous perfume distribution ensure
      a user-friendly sanitary environment and a daily
      maintenance control, 365 days a year.
    • For clean, safe and
      comfortable toilets that work in the interest of health, it
      well-being and your business affairs.
