Taski Sprint is a highly concentrated alcohol-based interior/glass cleaner for the daily cleaning of all water-resistant hard surfaces.
The Taski Sprint 200 QS does not leave streaks. The product is diluted automatically and extremely correctly in the QuattroSelect unit.
The QuattroSelect dilution system guarantees the safety of the user and immediately allows accurate cost control.
Important features Taski Sprint 200 QS:
- pH neutral
- Contains the new odor neutralizing ONT technology (Odor Neutralizing Technology)
- Fast acting, fast drying time
- Based on alcohol and different types of surfactants
- Multiple applications possible with the QuattroSelect dilution system
- Packaged in lightweight pouches made of synthetic material
- QuattroSelect is a fully lockable system, which excludes any contact with chemical products.
Benefits of Taski Sprint 200 QS:
- Safe for most hard water resistant materials
- Neutralizes unpleasant odors and at the same time strengthens the effect of the perfume, creating a pleasant, fresh scent that lingers for a long time
- Dries quickly without streaks
- Very economical in use thanks to extremely efficient operation even at low doses
- The QuattroSelect unit fills buckets and/or spray bottles at an adjusted speed
- Packaged in extremely light QuattroSelect pouches: a unique and environmentally friendly packaging system.
- Guaranteed safe for the user.
Packaging unit: 2 x 2.5 litres.t