Not all cleaning cloths are equally hygienic to use. In many cases, the cloth can be used well, but is often used for too long. The result is that the cloth can spread bacteria instead of removing them. In certain environments, these cleaning cloths should not be used. These are environments where very high demands are placed on hygiene, such as professional kitchens, restaurants or in areas in the medical sector. Use the lavette super in these environments. The lavette super is an interior chamois with which you can clean very hygienically.
In professional kitchens, for example in the catering industry, work must be carried out in accordance with HACCP guidelines. These are very strict hygiene requirements, which means that the average cleaning cloths are not always sufficient for use in these environments. This is not the case with the lavette super. This superior cleaning cloth meets the HACCP guidelines and even has an FCC certificate. The lavette super has a high antibacterial effect and is suitable for contact with food. The cloth has an open structure, which means that dirt is immediately absorbed and moisture is well absorbed. In addition, a lavette supper can be washed up to 40 times at 90°. This also makes the lavette super a sustainable cleaning cloth.
Are you looking for a lavette super wholesaler? Then visit the Supplierz BV webshop online. You can order the lavette super from us. The lavette super is available in four colours in a package of 10 x 16 pieces. So you order 160 pieces, so you can use it for a very long time. You can also use it quickly, because we ensure very fast delivery. If you still have questions about the operation of the lavette super, you can contact us by phone or via the online contact form. We are happy to help you.