All Pro Formula Washing Powder Classic 7.56kg - 108 washes

Product number: 100977080
Minimum purchase: 1

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Delivery: 1-3 werkdagen


    Geconcentreerd hoofdwasmiddel in poedervorm. Uitermate geschikt voor het verwijderen van hardnekkige vlekken. Tot wel 108 wasbeurten.


    • Active already at low temperatures, from 30 °C
    • The high level and the good mix of surfactants offers excellent results in removing grease, sweat and greasy dirt/oil
    • Very effective on coffee, tea, wine, jam, fat, oil, blood and protein
    • It prevents the laundry from getting dirty, suspending the dirt particles in the washing solution
    • Excellent whiteness
    • Soft scenting system, ideal for tourist accommodation

    Follow usage instruction and dosage present on pack
